reflection on practical: TV drama still
Provide a brief summary of how you planned your photography practical
Before we took the photograph, I drew a very rough template of my shot on the storyboard. However when taking the photo I realised that my drawing could be made better by making it more of an action shot, so i removed one of the bodyguards and moved the other bodyguard further forward.
Analyse your chosen shot and identify in what ways it could be described as signifying your chosen TV drama genre
My chosen genre was thriller. To make it clear its the thriller genre i made the lighting very dark, to create mystery and fear.Although it was dark I still had enough light to be able to see the characters faces, this shows their expressions to the audience.
How did you intend the audience to interpret your still? What narrative moment were you attempting to create? What meanings were you attempting to communicate?
I wanted the audience to feel tense as they looked at my still, I also wanted them to feel a bit of fear. This would be because they dont know what Lucas is shooting at and what the danger is.
4. Identify what is successful about your shot.
My shot clearly showed the bodyguard protecting his principle. It was also visibibly in the thriller genre.
5. What would you do differently if you were to repeat this activity?
If I did this differently i would create a more accurate plan, instead of working everything out at the camera, this would make the shot less time consuming
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